Alta Massage
Professional Massage Therapy

Skier Specific Massage Therapy Services

Here to keep you on the slopes

Alta Massages offers skier specific out-call therapy services.

Out-call massage allows you to stay in the comfort of your home, condo or hotel and have the therapist come to you.

These services are offered exclusively within the town of Alta, Utah.   

Alta Massage offers a range of modalities in effort to ease the aches and pains that come with skiing.

We offer sports massage to warm up your muscles before you head out on the hill;

Swedish massage to relax and dig deeper into the muscles that are used most while shredding through the powder;

And lymphatic manual drainage massage in the unfortunate chance that you or one of your buddies are injured on the hill and need relief from swelling. 

Benefits of Massage:

* Increased blood flow to muscles and tissues 

* Increased flow of oxygen, nutrients and removal of cell waste 

* Softens connective tissue adhesions allowing for a wider range of motion 

* Physical and emotional stress relief 

*Assist in healing process from injuries 


Kara Doane is the sole Licensed Massage Therapist for Alta Massage.

I started working in Alta in the winter of 2010 and I have been returning each winter ever since. Throughout the years I began to feel the aches and pains that are inherent to skiing everyday. In seeking relief, I found massage therapy and was able to work through muscular imbalances and find relief from the aches brought on from skiing and snowboarding. This inspired me to learn more about massage and become a licensed massage therapist this past fall through Healing Mountain Massage school. I am certified in a multitude of modalities but I am most passionate about Sports Massage. It is my goal to give back to the community of locals and visitors in Alta so we can all continue to ski or snowboard for years to come.